Creating Your Unique Message

I have been in my own way for weeks now in creating my unique message. 

I have been stuck in trying to nail a perfect message that would attract the perfect client; can anyone relate?  I get so caught up in listening to what the “gurus” say and then beating myself up when I can’t do it the way they want. Even though it feels completely yucky to me.

I am going to share with you today what stepping back in the last few weeks and really going internal to hear what God has revealed and what my gut has shown me. 

I believe to the core that God will never put a desire in you that He will not equip you to get. For some, it may take longer than others, because we try to do it in our time and instead of God’s perfect timing.

Here, I have been listening to hundreds of hours of training and was willing to hand over a big amount of money for some help with my messaging, but it just didn’t feel right to me. I couldn’t come to an agreement with the purchase.

I did what I should have done in the beginning, got still and listened.

There has been a recent shift in some of the online brands I have been following.  They really have shifted into a bit of a narcissistic energy about them. I don’t know, it just hasn’t sat well with me. I immediately thought, well maybe there’s something in me that needs work, but I have   realized when I feel unsettled, it doesn’t mean I have a problem.

I have done enough training on positioning and branding to know you have to convey what you stand for and what you stand against.  Maybe I was letting a little out of fear keep me from really sharing my truths. While I have been on a journey for the last year or so to find my truths and walk in them, I don’t think I was ready to share them publicly, so they become the face of the Andrea Garretson brand. 

Creating Your Unique Message

Stand For/Against

I stand for truth. Always truth. I stand for authenticity and yet I haven’t always been completely authentic. While I haven’t lied, I have kept a wall up around what I shared on social media and for the world to see.

Building a business is hard work, and I know  it is easier when you are building in a way that feels in alignment with your values and intentions. So what does that even mean?

For me it means my messaging is all about serving women in a way that empowers them to create and build a life of security. I know and have experienced what it feels like to not be financially secure.

I have witnessed women lose a husband or incur tragedy or illness and lose every bit of security they had. I experienced a loss of security in 2015 when I lost my daddy, and I have fought for the last seven years to regain it.


Money is not evil. It is simply an energy and an exchange we all need. Money can aid in providing you with a sense of security. There is comfort in going to bed and knowing how you will fund tomorrow and the next day.  While I believe God walks with us and never forsakes us, I believe it is our responsibility to create and build a way to provide.

I remember a few years ago, I ran an insurance appointment and the woman was in foreclosure.  I asked her what her plan was. She said she believed God would provide for her. I responded with I believe He will provide for us too, and yet we have to do more than sit on the couch helplessly.  We have to take action too and own the role we played in the mess we get ourselves into. 

I believe it is okay to want to build a business and become rich. I haven’t always been able to say and actually believe it. I was conditioned to believe  you should only want enough to pay the bills and a little extra for emergencies. That is complete garbage. It is okay to want as much as you want.  You can have it too without jeopardizing your integrity, truth, and family.

I stand for equal opportunity in the world of business. As a female who has been in sales for the last 10 years, I have experienced first hand how it feels to be degraded for your natural abilities to sell. “It must be your body that is getting you those sales.” To me there was nothing more degrading than to be told that my success had nothing to do with the abilities that I have developed, worked hard to improve, and just my overall work ethic and all to do with the body I was given.  

I stand for empowering females with the toolsets, mindset, and skills to crush the world or sales and say confidently that their success is strictly from becoming better at their craft and has nothing to do with the body God or the gym has given them.

I stand for females being who they are. I believe our story is our uniqueness and I have recently realized even as boring as I may seem to myself, when I show up as I am, I will attract the right people to my audience. I can be proud and own my nerdiness.  Quit trying to craft the perfect social media story and just live your story. 

I stand for God playing an important part in your business, and yet not hiding behind religion to build your business. 

I stand for working diligently, but also you should not have to sacrifice your morals, values, and integrity to build a business. I believe  when you are in alignment with your heart’s desires that the journey will be easier. 

I believe in polarity. There will always be two sides to a coin. With darkness comes light, with sadness comes joy, with bad comes good, and so on. I believe you will reap what you sow. So what are you sowing each day?

I stand for females being a role model to the future generations. I believe you have to show them a better way of independence, self worth, and empowerment. It’s time for our daughters, sisters and friends to provide and thrive for themselves and quit depending on friends, family and the government to save them. Time to let go of being the victim. You were created for more.

I stand for  doing business in a way which feels right to you, no matter how many gurus tell you the “right” way, and it’s not how you are doing it.

I stand against hate and stand for grace. Everyone on this Earth is unique, and it is very doubtful we will agree with everything the others do. You can extend yourself and them grace and keep scrolling. You don’t always have to always respond. Sometimes no response is the best response.

I stand for women having  balance in their life. You can have a thriving business and a happy family. It doesn’t have to be one or the other… it can be BOTH!

I stand against shame. The shame females have felt for too long because of the gut wrenching desire they want more. Let go of the narrative you should JUST be grateful for what you have.  

Questions to Ask Yourself

You too my sweet friend, have things you stand for and against. Today is the day to have the hard conversation and ask yourself…

— What do you stand for?

— What do you stand against?

— What would make you happy in your business? 

—What feels right to you… Not what the gurus say.. But what does your gut tell you?

So many women are searching for their message and yet they have it already written deep within their souls.  It is time to let it flow and let the world know what you were put here to share. 

Do it boldly! Own it! Own your purpose. 

If you are a female and want to discover the toolset, mindset and skills it takes to build an online business that will help provide you security, be sure to join my free community for female entrepreneurs. 

Take a look at the journal/planner created with the results driven female in mind. Check it out on Amazon.

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