Clarity Comes When the Time is Right

2020… the year of clarity. 

As 2020 approached, everyone was so optimistic that it was going to be the year of perfect vision.  As usual with expectations, we tend to have a plan in place, and it doesn’t always work out as planned.

2020 was sneaky.  It has brought clarity to us, just not the way we wanted it.  That’s the thing about when you ask for something, you have to be open to the way that it is delivered. The Law of Requisite Variety is based on the part of the system with the greatest flexibility of behaviour, that will be the one that controls the system. 

This year has certainly taught flexibility and adaptation.

As I begin to reflect back on the year as I so often do, I am so thankful for this year.  It has brought an enormous amount of growth… spiritually, emotionally, personally, and professionally.

It has brought awareness and clarity to what is truly important in life. It has opened our eyes in many ways.  


The year has brought a heightened amount of gratitude to our lives. There is scientific proof that practicing gratitude causes a release of dopamine and serotonin.  Both transmitters help improve the mood. Read older posts about the importance of happy hormones. I discovered how to be grateful for the small things.

It allowed time for me to do a lot of self-reflection and work on myself.  I began to combat those limiting beliefs that I had carried too long, discovered the root of the beliefs, and started ongoing work on changing my belief system. 

I learned to let go of control. Not that I am perfect, I am better than I was.   2020 taught us all that we lack more control than we thought.

I discovered the process of embracing and enjoying the journey.  Happiness comes from living in the now. It isn’t a future goal. It is a here and now goal. Enjoying the journey allowed for more time to celebrate the victories I had along the way. 

We are reminded of the beauty of relationships, family, and friends.  2020 has brought things that the other years have never been unable to deliver.

Along the way, you may have felt lost and lacked direction.  Society is so fast to expect that you always have to have the next moved planned.  There is beauty in knowing that you can temporarily lack direction, and you can continue to live life while you are trying to figure it out.  

Clarity about what Matters provides clarity about what does not.


Direction, knowledge, and clarity don’t have to be forced when they do not exist. It is okay to sit and be still and reflect on your next move. You can let go of the anxiety and just enjoy life.  Enjoy the small wins because they compound into big wins.

Pivoting has been a vital part of 2020 for me. I would really like to graph the changes that I have made to my life personally and in business over the last year.  It would definitely show growth towards walking in my true purpose and calling.  I must admit that I have not always been a big fan of change.  I resisted it. Over the years, change or pivots equaled failure to me.  It meant that things didn’t go right. I had to learn the power of grace. Allowing myself to walk in grace that our heavenly Father offers us so freely, but it is so hard for us to offer ourselves.  It seems even easier to offer grace to others than ourselves at times.

I resisted the change that the death of my father brought.  As I sit here typing this blog post, it was revealed to me that the resistance to the change of death was bigger than grief. I felt that it was a failure. We had been so focused on my Dad’s healing that anything short of that was failure in my eyes.  

It wasn’t that I questioned God’s will for my dad’s life; I questioned everyone’s actions throughout the event.  Could more have been done?  I had to be still in the moment, so that direction would reveal itself. 

Obviously I know that my Dad was to get his complete healing not on this Earth but in Heaven.  I found grace to extend to the situation somewhere along the way, without even realizing it.

2020 has brought awareness and clarity to what is truly important in life.

Time Brings Clarity

See clarity comes when the time is right.

Trust that clarity will come. The next step will deliver itself.  Indecision, inactivity, and lack of direction will end soon. 

You will not feel lost in the events of 2020 forever. You will end up where you are supposed to be. Hold on to the vision and trust the process. 

If you need some guidance on accomplishing your daily activities, grab my Clarity Worksheet. 

2021 will be full of opportunities.  As 2020 has given us clarity, we will be in a position to act on the opportunities brought by the new year.

There’s nothing more exciting than a year of opportunities and possibilities!