Dear Entrepreneur: You are Not a Failure

Entrepreneurs, you are not a failure.

Welcome the first day of December, and it arrived covered in frost. It was a cold one for us here in South Mississippi.

I normally get an idea for a blog topic pretty easily, but I must admit this week I have struggled a bit. We have arrived at the last 30 days of this “different” year for all of us. While some days seem like they have gone on endlessly, it really has flown by.

I have written before that I tend to get holiday blahs.  I am still trying to get to the point to remember the great holiday memories, but the memory of my dad’s last holiday season always comes to the front of mind.

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

My focus this holiday season is on finding more joy throughout the holidays.  I am a bit tired of being so concerned about whether my small family is going to get sick and what sickness will shut down.  Having a soccer player, it is about more than just one of us getting sick.  It could shut down the whole soccer season for my daughter’s team.  I just want to go back to worrying about the old things, lol.

2020 has certainly brought a new level of awareness to everything. When the new year rolled in the beginning of the year, I had huge plans for the year. I was actively involved in the Super Affiliate Accelerator Mastermind, which is still one of the most vital decisions I have made for my business and growth.

Joining Jacob’s program brought a level of awareness to my personal growth that was needed. I sought out the solution to my uncertainity, and spent more time this year focused on my personal healing journey and truly finding out what makes me happy, and became less focused on a financial result and more focused on finding happiness and doing things that make me happy.

I guess you could say I started that journey of self healing back in 2018 when I started to drink the happy coffee. Anxiety had ruled my life for too long, and I was desperate to find something that could help relieve the anxiety and get me moving towards crushing my goals. I was tired of feeling like a failure.  Read more about my journey dealing with anxiety.

Even with the most unusual year of my life, I have found more peace this year with consistent self care, exercise, journaling, and prayer. (Yes, happy coffee is still a vital part of everyday life.)

Ideas of Success

I was listening to a podcast during my walk earlier this morning on a success formula or blueprint. Gillian said that it all begins with defining your idea of success. I agree completely. Success has a different definition to everyone. (Top Traits of Successful People)

For the longest time, it was about not being broke on time and money. I think that so many times, our feelings of failure come from not having clarity on what we view as success.

Lack of clarity on what success means to you, will lead you to self comparison of others. Even though you have no desires to accomplish what others are accomplishing, because you aren’t crushing their goals, suddenly you feel like a failure.

Who can relate to those feelings? Guilty here. I start to compare myself to others, view their wins, and feel like a failure when I never even set their goals.

People’s views on success will evolve over time depending on what area of their lives they are in. Just don’t let other people’s goals make yours feel inadequate.

Everyone was born with gifts and talents. One of the biggest successes I can think of is if I use those gifts and talents everyday to serve others. To identify your talents, book a call with me. At the end of my life when I look back, I want to know that I didn’t waste any talents that God gave me.

Faith Is…

I read recently and have it on my desk to be reminded daily that failure comes from losing the faith. As I sat and reflected, I realized that failure comes from not only losing faith in our higher power but also when we lose faith in ourselves. Until we completely lose faith that we have the ability to reach our goals, then we have not failed. We are still on the journey. There’s still hope.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen”. Hebrews 11:1 How many times have we heard this scripture, and really not dwelled on what it means to us personally and in our business. Every time that we set a goal for life or business, we are hoping that we will accomplish them and while we have not seen the end, we believe that we have the capabilities of hitting our goals. When we lose faith, we give up on our hopes.

Life without hope is desperation. People begin to just exist in life. That’s no way for people to live.

Life is full of possibilities. 2021 can be full of possibilities. While 2020 has been the year of awareness and perspective, let us focus on possibilities for the new year.