6 Must Do’s to Online Business Success

Learning to be consistent and patient. Enjoy the journey even when things aren’t going my way in my business.

Online business success can make you want to pull your hair out. Being a perfectionist and trying to start and succeed at an online business can just about tip you over into coo coo land, just saying. How do I know you ask? Because I feel like today I am almost there.

Perfectionism is something that has to be fought daily to survive in this online business world. You have read me say over and over again, “Imperfect action is better than no action at all”. I know this logically, but it still causes me so much pain when I do not see the results that I want.

I am going to share with you six must do’s to keep you on the path of success in your online business.

Learn to Enjoy the Journey
Let’s face it, some days just suck. If you do not learn to enjoy the journey that you are on as an entrepreneur they will suck more. Do not continually focus on the end goal. Set smaller goals to reach and celebrate the hell out of them as you reach them. Don’t be shy on patting yourself on the back when you accomplish something in your business. Small victories add up to large victories.

Do Not Get Addicted to the Results but the Activity
This is one that I had to learn long ago in the insurance business. Results may vary, but you control the amount of activity you do. You learn to control the things that you can control. With increased activity, typically better results will follow.

Realize it is Prepare, Test, Adjust, and Repeat
You have to realize in the online business world, sometimes the first thing you come up with may not work. You have to adjust your content, your offer, or your presentation and repeat it. This is something I am personally dealing with right now. I am not having the engagement that I am wanting. I am having to go back to the drawing board to adjust some things and repeat. If I was addicted to the results, I would be ready to throw in the towel at this point. 

Laugh at Your Less than Favorable Results
This one goes hand and hand with enjoying your journey. You just have to laugh sometimes to keep from crying, right? When you have worked so hard on some content, and get no engagement, what can you do? Just laugh and carry on.

Research, Learn, and Implement
You have to be a student of the business. I don’t care what business you are in, you always have to be learning to improve your skills. It is not enough to learn the skills, you have to IMPLEMENT what you learn with massive action.

Do not overwhelm yourself with learning too much at a time.  Learn in small “bites” and implement. The last thing you want is to get overwhelmed and see no results.

Do Not Stop Until You Succeed
This may be the most important one of all. Do not stop until you have crushed your goal. Consistency is the key to growth. You have to be consistent and intentional with your actions to reach your goals. Occasional activity will not cut it. Maybe you don’t have much time, but you consistently use the time that you have to work your business. You will begin to see exponential growth soon.

Entrepreneurship can be extremely rewarding for you. It can lead to a life of not only financial freedom but time freedom as well. You just have to remember to “hold the vision and trust the process”. On the bad days, just remember that tomorrow will be better.