Insurance Agents and Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a must for insurance agents in today’s market. Email marketing is a form of marketing that allows you to bring awareness to your current list of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. It can also be anything in between.

Email marketing allows you to have multiple conversations with potential customers at one time.

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Imagine going to a networking event and instead of having to work the room and build relationships, one by one. You could do it in mass form, and continue to nurture the relationships until they became a client.

That is exactly what email marketing allows you to do. My online mentor, Jacob Caris, talks a lot about building an ecosystem within your business, where you move your prospects around your ecosystem. Email is an excellent way to move from one platform to another platform.

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Email lists are one of your most valuable assets in your business. It is real estate that you actually own, no Zuckerburg is going to shut you down or shadow ban you and limit what your audiences can see.

Having the right email strategy in place will allow you to grow the know, like and trust factor, educate and inform your prospects. More importantly than that, it will allow you to make mass offers to your list.

What is an Offer?

A marketing offer is any free product, service, or content given to a website visitor in exchange for them performing a specific action, like filling out a form.  There is a direct correlation between the number of offers made to the number of sales made.

In insurance, old school terms, making an offer would be sitting with a client and recommending a policy to them. This is considered making an offer. If you don’t ask people to buy each day, you generally don’t sell much insurance. 

Maybe IMO’s are speaking more on creating and building your own marketing plans, but to be honest, I doubt they are. That really messes up their recruiting message of getting an insurance license, buying leads, and making money.

If only it was that easy. 

It’s not. As an agent that has spent tens of thousands on leads, it is not as simple as buying leads and making money.

Email Marketing

So, I know agents are hungry to find a way to cut costs in this unstable economy, so I put together an EMAIL MARKETING GUIDE especially for INSURANCE AGENTS.

Marketing principles are the same no matter what industry you are in, the lingo and products are just different. At the end of the day, people are people. They have the same psychological buying triggers. 

It is time for you as an agent to take control of your business and start to learn the marketing and sales principals needed to sustain and thrive through any market.

Not sure of how to even start in email marketing, in this guide I walk you through the steps of setting up an email marketing platform, the steps to setting up an email marketing campaign, and so much more.

Be sure to check out an old post where I compare some email marketing platforms.

You want to be sure to grab your free copy of the marketing guide.

It is time to stop playing the victim to crappy leads and learn the skills needed to build a successful insurance business. 

It is time to be a true business owner and update some very outdated principles. 

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