A Killer Daily Routine for Entrepreneurs

What does a daily routine for Entrepreneurs look like?

The life of an entrepreneur is full of choices. The choices always lead to consequences. I have been on this journey for quite a few years, and I thought I would share some of my favorite things that I have found along the way to help with the journey. 

In my free Facebook group, Freedom Driven Entrepreneurs, one of the biggest struggles I see is properly managing their schedules.  Intention driven daily routines are a step in the right direction.

Let’s begin by examining my morning routine. Setting your intentions right first thing in the morning can be a game changer for you and your business. It sets the pace for the rest of the day.  Let’s dive in to see what my mornings look like.

Early Morning

I typically wake in the 5 o’clock hour. I am more creative and knock more out in those first few hours of the day than I can in the second part of the day. The quiet and clarity of the early morning is what I love.

 The morning always begin with a cup of coffee, not just any coffee though. My happy coffee which helps with mood, appetite, energy and carb cravings. I have been drinking this same cup of coffee for well over two years now, and I’ve had tremendous success with dealing with mood fluctuations, lab improvements, and weight loss. You can check out some of my prior posts about how the coffee and supplement work in prior posts. You can check out the happy coffee at andreagarretson.com/happy. 

Along with the coffee, comes journaling and reading for the day. I think it is so important to dump any negative thoughts that may be clogging your mind and creativity, set your intentions for the day, and acknowledge your gratitude.  It just increases your energy or vibration. 

I have talked often about my love of lists and the psychology of why I love lists. I usually jot out my list for the day. Obviously, I have a daily action plan that I do daily that I learned from the Super Affiliate Accelerator course. To check out the free video to learn more about the fundamentals of any online business, click the link for the video. Lack of clarity on what to do each day, can derail your growth. I love step-by-step directions on what I need to do each day.

Pinterest Pin For A Daily Routine that will set your intentions for the day

Walking became a part in my daily routine when the pandemic first started. I started out with a mile but have now increased it to approximately 6 miles per day. I am striving to reach 10 miles per day.  I use this time to catch up on any training videos and podcasts.  Some of my favorite podcasts are Take the Leap with Tiffany Toombs, The Goal Digger with Jenna Kutcher, and A Real Change with Sandi Krawkowsi. Check those out!

This allows me to knock two things out at once.  Those feel good hormones start flowing, and I usually have a lot of wonderful ideas while I am walking. You can jot them in the note section of your phone or simply do a voice recording, so you don’t forget.  

Mid Morning Daily Routine

It’s time now to settle into my desk to get busy with the nuts and bolts of the business. Training without implementing it is only delaying your growth.  You have to implement what you have learned to test it and get data that you can use.

My work day usually goes until late afternoon with a few breaks throughout the day.  I am a mama and a wife, so I have other responsibilities to handle. Extending yourself some grace when the day doesn’t go quite as planned is detrimental to your success. 

I utilize the concept of time blocking because you can easily get caught up in doing unproductive activities and convince yourself that you are being productive.  I limit the amount of time for tasks to keep myself productive. 

While none of these tips are mind blowing, this is the daily action plan that I have worked for several years now.  Consistency in showing up daily in your business is essential. Consistency is not enough if it is not intentional action being taken.  That is where the road can get real bumpy in knowing what the intentional action needs to be. If you need a daily action plan to accelerate your online business, check out the Super Affiliate Accelerator program. This may not be for everyone but if you are interested in learning online marketing, this course is for you!

Share any daily activities that you have in the comments.