Do I have people who like to fish? Quick question, when you fish, do you go where the fish are, or do you wait for them to come to you? You go to where they are biting. Same thing goes for prospecting as an agent. We have to go where the prospects are hanging out. Right now they are on social media, particularly Facebook.
Here are 5 tips every insurance agent needs to know about using social media for prospecting and lead generation.
To successfully use social media as a lead generation and sales tool, you have to develop the belief and desire to know and master this process. Believe you can master it, and it will work in generating sales. Without the belief in the social media process, results will be harder to get.
As an agent, know who your prospects are. Trying to sell everyone will lead to selling no one. Designing a message begins with knowing who you are serving and how you are serving them. Your message and products are not designed for everyone. A lot of agents get confused about who their ideal clients are and because of the lack of clarity around their target market, sales suffer.
Identify Your Ideal Customer
Identify what pain points your product solves and who has those pains. Your product may solve multiple pain points, but focus on a couple of them and build your message around those solutions. Understand how to identify your ideal client in my post 4 Step Blueprint.
Social Media Consistency
The second tip is to show up consistently on social media and build consistency into your daily activity. Part of the consistency is engaging with other people. You want the algorithm showing your content to others and it begins with engagement.

Sales Funnel
The third tip is you continually have to add new friends to your friend list. You need new prospects to see your message. While repetition is a part of marketing, realize you need to continue to add prospects to the top of the funnel. Use your Facebook page as a sales funnel. Adding new friends and engaging will feed them into the top of the funnel.
Start adding new friends slowly to your Facebook profile. I would suggest starting with 10-15 per day. Adding new friends should be part of your daily activity list.
Once your friend request has been accepted, comes what can be for some… tricky. It is time to build a relationship with them. Think about how you warm up in your appointments and treat the new friend just as if you are meeting a prospect for the same time. What are the topics you use to build rapport? Absolutely no pitching or mention of a product in the initial message.
If your profile is optomized for lead generation, the new friend will know what you do. Just one reason to optomize the Facebook profile.
This process should not consume your day. You should be able to complete the process in 20-30 minutes per day. More time than this, and you may be simply scrolling. It is easy to get scrolling and prospecting confused. Grab the Content Creation Blueprint below to discover how to apply the strategy to your business.
Clean Up Social Media
Last tip, your Facebook friend’s list needs to be cleaned up regularly. You want to keep the engagement high and delete those who are not engaging with your content. Once a week, look at your friends list and delete those with no engagement.
Remember, people come on Facebook to be entertained and educated. They do not come to be sold. Relationships lead to residuals. Build a relationship. I lot of these concepts I learned from The Super Affiliate Accelerator Mastermind, grab the free training video.
Be brave enough to be bad at something new to generate a new life!