Are you trying to lose weight, but finding that counting calories is just too much to handle?
Do you start fresh every Monday, fail, then vow to start again with the same old losing weight strategies that don’t work?
You need to learn about a new way of getting things balanced. This changes everything!
Happy Hormones for Losing Weight
Hormones and neurotransmitters, like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin are commonly known as the “happy hormones”. To find happiness and sometimes that weight loss you have been looking for, you sometimes just have to give them a little boost.

While you can find the boost in a lot of different places from foods to activities, I have found an amazing place that you can find that boost while getting so many other benefits each day. It is known as “Happy Coffee”.
I have talked about the amazing changes in my life from this coffee in previous posts, but today I am going to touch on the weight loss journey from the coffee and supplement.
As a hypothyroid sufferer, weight gain is something I had struggled with for many years. It was extremely hard for me to lose weight, and that would just add extra anxiety for me. When I found this coffee and started drinking it for anxiety, the hormones balanced out and suddenly I found I was dropping some pounds. Over the next nine months or so, I dropped approximately 40 pounds. (Results may vary) More importantly, I felt better.

Happy Coffee
Eighteen months later, I am still a believer in the products. I still drink it everyday. I’ve kept the weight off and still feel fantastic. The anxiety is still under control.
If you haven’t tried the coffee and would like to now is the time!
Limited time offer!!!

To order the coffee click here or if you would like more information, feel free to contact me at
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. I am not an affiliate of any product or service that I do not trust for use in my business or on my own websites. If I don’t use it, I do not promote it. This is the only way I can jury product quality, service and support levels, which are so important to those who trust my recommendations.