Tips for Female Entrepreneurs to Find Balance in life and Career

As a female entrepreneur, I firmly believe you can have it ALL. That statement isn’t written with doubt. I write that with the most confidence I could possibly have.  Society has a way of telling you that you can’t have it all. I am an example that you can have it all.

What does it mean to have it all as a Female Entrepreneur?

I want to share with you a little about my journey. When I started in business back in 2010 as a female entrepreneur, my goal was… not to be broke on time or money.  I had a 5-year-old little girl that was getting ready to start kindergarten, and I didn’t want to miss anything of hers. I had missed so much of her first 5 years from working a traditional 9-5.  

Please realize, I am not shaming anyone for having a traditional job.  I am thankful that people want the security and predictability of a traditional job. I had thrived in that environment for years, and yet I still wanted more.  On a side note, wanting more is not a bad thing. It is the way we were created.  Too many have been told to be satisfied with what they have, I am here to share…. Dream bigger and bolder. 

Over the years, the definition of success has changed along the way and has even gotten a little cloudy at times. You can always go back to your heart and ask yourself what it means to you. The online space is so loud and noisy as everyone is writing about making 7 figures, and multiple six figures. You can quickly begin to feel like a failure.

You are succeeding as long as you are making efforts to create and live the life that you desire. Success will always be defined differently by people, identify and hold true to what your core values are and set boundaries around those values. Your core values will always be your beacon in the storm.

Life is who you are at the deepest level.  Your life is based on your beliefs.  Every decision, thought and action will be in accordance with your current belief system.

Image with a quote of "You are succeeding as long as you are making efforts to create and live the life you desire." andrea garretson

Four Components of Life

The 4 components of your life are: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual.

To be fully fulfilled in life you have to work on all areas.  When you focus on one, you can get out of balance. 

Physical is your body, health, and energy,

Intellectual is your mind, intelligence and thoughts.

Emotions are your emotions and feelings.

Spiritual is your spirit, soul, and God.

To have it all is to find balance in all areas of your life. 

We can take that deeper and say to find balance in the three most important areas of life for most: Spirituality, family, and career.

How do you have it all?

Power of Self-Awareness

I believe having it all really starts with self-awareness. You can explore the following three questions in gaining self-awareness.

  1. You have to identify exactly what it is you want. The mind is a powerful tool that only a few use in a powerful manner to help them create the life they want.   Many women are often shamed for pursuing what they want, and so they lose sight on how to even dream. I challenge you today to grab a pen and paper and start to dream about what you want in life.
  1. Where are you now? On a scale of 1-10, how balanced are you in your life?  Take a good look at your life today, and analyze it unbiased and without judgment.  To know where you are going, you have to know where you are.
  1. What is holding you from finding the balance in your life?  Everyone has blocks that keep them from reaching their full potential and living the life they want and were created to live.  Identify those blocks so you can begin to crush them as they come. 

If you are a female entrepreneur, and you are tired of not having it all in your life… the family time, the money to enjoy them, and joy that comes from having peace, join my free Facebook Community where I share tips to design, create and live the life you desire.