How to Create an Audience

Image by: David Schwarzenberg

Do you have the best product but no one to share it with? Here are some ways to grow your audience, so you never run out of people to share your product with.

Identify Your Niche

First, you want to identify your niche. Are you in the wellness and fitness, health and beauty, finance, or coaching niche? You have to figure out what niche you are going to concentrate on and really focus in on it.

Identify Your Target Audience

Second, you want to identify your target audience. You want to really paint a detailed picture of the specific person that you are trying to reach.  Who is in need of your product? What is keeping them up at night? What are their pain points and struggles? How can you solve them?

Where are these people hanging out on the internet?  Do they prefer Facebook or Instagram? Do they prefer email or newsletters?    

Once you have figured out their pain points, you start providing excessive value with content. You want to over deliver on your value.  The content can be posts or videos. The delivery method can be whichever way you feel most comfortable. You just want to get some content out.

Forget the idea of perfection. Imperfect action is better than no action when it comes to delivering content.  Just continue to deliver consistent content to your audience.

Create an Email List

Last, you want to start creating an email list.  Free offers is a great incentive for the audience to join your email list. You may offer a free training, pdf, e-book, or any other digital product. With the email list, start emailing updates, offers, and other entertaining emails.  You want to build a relationship with your audience. Each email should build that know, like, and trust factor. People buy from those they like and trust.

As simple as a strategy as this seems, it will not work if you don’t get started.  Do not wait on having everything perfect before delivering that first piece of content.  Procrastination is the death of dreams.

Don’t wait any longer! Get busy working on your dreams today. You are worth it.