Who doesn’t want to live a life of happiness? So, what exactly is a gutsy life?
I love lists. They give you direction and clarity on what the day holds. They keep you focused on needle moving activities by limiting distraction.
My friend, Grant, recently did the 75 hard challenge, and he loved the way it made him feel. Of course there is the science behind why he was feeling so great. One, you drink a gallon of water a day. That alone would change people’s lives. I read 75 % percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration.
Importance of Water
Why do you need water? You need your brain to learn and adapt quickly as a business owner. The brain needs water to function properly because it is made of 80% water from what I have read.
If you are struggling with brain fog and difficulty remembering, increase your consumption of water to maximize your results.

Daily Regimen
Recently I added a new daily regimen to my list. Suffering from digestive and stomach problems since I was a young girl. I can remember my mom taking me to the doctor so many times because of extreme stomach pain. It was always ruled I had an “overachiever’s stomach”, the pains most likely were coming from an unhealthy gut microbiome, I’ve recently learned.
Over the years, I have developed other symptoms which can be linked back to an unhealthy gut… anxiety, depression, inflammation, joint pains, and chronic headaches. Way back in 2012, I saw a functional medicine doctor, and she did extensive blood work and found my gut was severely agitated by the consumption of wheat, and it was prohibiting my gut to absorb what it needed to absorb. Once I eliminated the wheat from my diet, all of my symptoms went away.
Amazing, right? I lived this lifestyle for about 18 months with limited symptoms, major weight loss, energy, and feeling the best I had felt in years. I often dwell on why I didn’t continue that lifestyle. Some might say I wasn’t disciplined or motivated enough. Here is the thing about motivation, you will never have enough motivation to do things day in and day out. You will run out of motivation, so determine a greater reason to do hard or life changing.
Belief System
After a lot of work, I believe the reason I never stuck with the lifestyle change is because I didn’t work on changing my belief system around my health and body. I had always been a bit on the fluffy side, and I perceived myself as a big girl. I never did the work to change how I viewed myself. Changing the diet, then changed my physique, but I had not changed my self image. I basically self sabotage to get a physique to match my self image. It really takes “guts” to leave that old comfortable self image behind and create an empowering self image.
This may sound crazy, but there is plenty of scientific proof to back this concept. I have been reading Dr. Denis Waitley’s books, and this idea has been confirmed over and over.
Hapinss Triad
That leads me to the new regimen I have added to my daily routine. It is a triad of products designed to help heal the gut biome and have it functioning properly. I have consistently taken the products for 30 days now, and I have seen significant changes to my body, my symptoms, and my energy levels. There are hundreds and hundreds of testimonies of how this triad is changing the way people are living and how they are viewing their gut microbiome.
I realize from so much research and personal experience though, if these people do not change their self image or their belief system around their health and their worth, it will be a short time change. When the first obstacle comes up, they will revert back to their old habits.
Self Image
I was reading this morning in “The Winner’s Edge” about a golfer who golfed at a standard score. Now, I don’t know much about golf, so this will be in Andrea’s terms and not golfer’s terms. He consistently shot a certain score, and one particular day this guy was shooting way better than he typically shot. After realizing this, his game suddenly altered to match the self image of a certain type of golfer he had imposed on himself.
How many times are we guilty of this in our lives with daily routines, exercise, prayer life, or whatever area of your life you are improving?
To have continued success, you must change your self image first. Let go of those self- defeating beliefs you have held onto for so long and kept you in a familiar and comfortable space in life. They are prohibiting you from living the best life that God created you to live.
Defeating Limiting Beliefs
How do you let go of those self-defeating beliefs? Your belief system is formed when we are children. Your family, friends, church, and school all contribute to your belief system you live life by. This belief system drives your behaviors.
The brain has neural pathways where energy flows, and the pathways frequently used will widen and energy flows easier. We are going to think of those as interstates or freeways. The weaker pathways we will think of those as country roads or two-lane roads. You cannot drive as fast on these roads, just like the energy cannot flow as quickly on these pathways. The brain is going to use the easier and faster pathway. Thus, why those pathways our belief systems created are used more.
So how do you create stronger and different pathways in the brain? Change your thoughts. Ever heard of positive affirmations? For every negative thought that you think, replace it with three positive, emotionally felt affirmations. This will slowly build different pathways in the brain. There are faster techniques that can be used.
After realizing so many people fail to create the health and lifestyle they desire because of something as pesky as their belief system they didn’t even create, I realized I have to use the knowledge and techniquest I have been blessed with to help those women wanting to live a life full of freedom… financial, time, and health freedom.
One Gutsy Life Inner Circle

You are invited to join my free Inner Circle, One Gutsy Life, created for women just like me who have realized they are worthy of a better life. They are worthy of being healthy, being in control of their time, and of financial blessings, but they can’t seem to find them long term.
Let’s join together to live one gutsy life where we focus on the journey of freedom!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. I am not an affiliate of any product or service that I do not trust for use in my business or on my own websites. If I don’t use it, I do not promote it. This is the only way I can jury product quality, service and support levels, which are so important to those who trust my recommendations.