Spring is here and that means Summer is just a few days away. Summer brings a lot of new levels of anxiety for some. It is time to pull out the swimsuits and put on less clothes.
Are you and your body ready for Summer? If not, read on as I share a seven day blueprint to jumpstart your weight loss… guaranteed.
I have struggled with weight most of my life. Of course our body built is predetermined by genetics, but the extra bulge, well it needed to go. I also have struggled with tummy issues since childhood, and I want to share with you what I have discovered about the connection with an unhealthy gut and your weight.
Let’s dive in…
Your Gut & Weight Loss
So is there a magic gut bacteria that leads to weight loss? It doesn’t appear so, but a healthy gut microbiome will aid in reaching a healthy weight. It’s the effect these microbes have on your body that affects weight loss.
Your gut bacteria have roles in your digestion, fat storage, and hunger, all of which can have major impacts on your weight. You can’t simply change gut bacteria and lose weight. The weight loss is a byproduct of getting your gut microbiome balanced and healthy. It’s the effects of their activities rippling through your body which can help lose, gain, or maintain your weight because they help determine how much energy your body absorbs, and also how hungry or full you feel.

Put more color in your diet to achieve a diverse microbial community in your gut, and at the same time, keep your metabolism in check too!
Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is vital for your health, yet many of us are not eating enough. In fact, On average, only 14 percent of American adults consume at least 2 servings of fruit and at least 3 servings of vegetables daily. The statistics are even worse for high school students – 32 percent of them report eating at least 2 fruit servings daily and 13 percent say they eat at least 3 vegetable servings each day.
You can see, we are not setting ourselves up for a healthy weight simply because of the Sandard American Diet that most of us eat. Add the stress that you are under and it is no surprise that your gut microbiome is a complete disaster.
7 Day Gut Program
Toney Freeman, retired pro builder, fitness expert, author and speaker explains getting the gut conducive to weight loss happens in 3 phases. You have to clear the clutter that is in the gut, change the terrain, and finally build back better. In Toney’s 7 day Gut Rite Gyst Blueprint, you will discover how you can jumpstart the gut healing process in 7 days while accelerating weight loss. Pick up the FREE Gut Rite Blueprint below.
What People Are Saying
Hundreds have gone through the 7 day program and have had tremendous success. One participant states “When I say I’ve done it all…. that’s an understatement. Never have I had anything work this fast for me. I’ve studied leaky gut for 2 years and did everything to fix it… yet I was still suffering. I was cleaning my gut and supporting it with the best pre/probiotics and enzymes but I was still missing something cause I still had the inflammation.. I FOUND IT… my missing link.” While another participant states “ I loved this program. Thank you so much for your willing and serving heart. I lost 8lbs in 7 days. I lost 1 pant size. I feel amazing.”
I personally went through one of Toney’s programs and lost 14 inches in the 7 days and about 8 pounds.
As we are rolling into the summer months, lose the anxiety about getting into a swimsuit, and grab the FREE 7 day blueprint so you can jumpstart your success.
Remember, hapi gut hapi life