Happy New Year, friends!
2021 has arrived quietly for me, and I am starting the year with more focus than I have in previous years. I am using all the things that I learned in 2020 to apply to my life and business for this year of opportunity.
One concept I want to share with you as we are starting the new year together with high hopes and expectations of the coming year is on goal setting.
Many of us have worked on a vision board or will work on one shortly. I want to share with you some tips that will help increase your abilities to accomplish and achieve everything on your board.
People’s actions are typically based on emotions. The fear of moving away from pain or moving towards pleasure. That is just the way the brain is wired. Over the years, I have seen vision boards done with just pictures and words. Heck, I’ve even done my boards this way before.
This year, I created my board based on the goals I have set and added some emotion to them. If people act based on emotions, don’t you think if you set goals and tie some emotions to them, you are more likely to achieve them.
We have all heard the concept if you want a goal, then you need to become the type of person who can gain that goal. I have heard people act as if. You have to act successful before you become successful. Change your thoughts and behaviors to change the results.
3 Phases
How do you do that though?
There are 3 phases you go through:
Where are you now in your business?
Where are you trying to go?
Becoming the person who could gain the goal…
So what is your present situation?
Think of your day like a glass.
How are you spending your day?
How many hours are you sleeping?
How many hours are you prospecting?
How many hours are you traveling?
How many hours are running sales appointments?
How many hours are you spending on social media?
How many hours are you spending on self care?
How many hours are you spending with family/friends?
How many hours of the day are you doing needle moving activities?
Now how would like you like to spend your day?
Ask yourself those same questions.
Now we have those questions answered, let’s dive into the idea of SMART goals.
We all have heard about goal setting, but I am going through goal setting using a concept called smart goals. This was created in the 1950’s; however no one is sure who created it.
With Smart goals, your goal is “an aim or an end in mind” .
Aim relates to the direction
End related to the outcome

S is for specific.
M is for measurable/ meaningful to you.
A is for actionable/ as if now.
R is for responsible.
T is for Timed/ toward what you want.
So many people become so caught up in achieving their goals that they forget about enjoying the journey to get there. I want you to do what makes you happy while achieving your goals..
So let’s look at an example of how this works…
My Concrete goal: I am so excited I am now earning 250k per year, and I can see myself living in the beach house by the beach, listening to the waves, and it is on or before January 1, 2022.
Concrete goal purpose: Amount of money
Concrete purpose: Live by the beach and Enjoy the sun by the water
Abstract: Be healthy, have energy, feel good, and be relaxed
So I ask myself: what can I do right now to be healthy, have energy, feel good, and be relaxed. Realize, until we reach the goal, we can do activities each day that give us the same results that we will have when we reach our goal…
Now We simply implement the activities into our daily routine
We reverse engineer what activities we need to take each day to help us achieve our goals.