Change your beliefs… change your life.
Self awareness is power on Earth.
Let me explain, when you become consciously aware of your thoughts, behaviors, and habits, then and only then is when you can begin to take back our power. You are no longer living on auto-pilot but living from a place of intention.
Studies show that 95 percent of your brain’s activities are unconscious. You become such creatures of habit that you get in the car and drive and get there and think, I don’t even remember driving her. Guilty, here.
Your thoughts are so unconscious and until you become disciplined and aware enough to monitor your thoughts, really you will have no change.
I have been on a journey of releasing all the unwanted and undeserving beliefs and behaviors that have been driving my results for the last 44 years to become more aware and conscious of my behaviors over the last few years, and I am beginning to see the shifts in my results.

Core Beliefs
I was recently talking to a friend about how she wasn’t getting any support from her manager.I’ve heard her say over and over that most people have nothing to offer her in her business, and yet here she sits saying that her lack of support was leading to lack of results.
I said I believe the problem is something deeper than you aren’t receiving support. I believe the issue is that you don’t feel seen. She just kinda paused and said maybe so.
How many times are you dealing with a deeper issue that is triggering you on the surface level? Do you think that it really was that important that she gets group texts or whatever she is missing out on in an industry that she has been at the top of over the years. Probably not, but do you think it is important to her success that she is seen and heard? Yeah for someone that dealt with not being seen as a child, one hundred percent.
I am currently re-reading “How to do the Work” by Dr. Nicole Lepera and she writes about your core beliefs. Core beliefs are those practice thoughts that become our truths. They come from others and a lot of time from trauma experienced in childhood.
Once you have a core belief, you engage in what’s called a confirmation of bias. When you receive information that doesn’t support or conform to your belief, it is disregarded or ignored for information that supports your core beliefs.
It becomes like a filter for your life.
So what are you to do then?
Objectively monitor what your thoughts are, so you can begin to understand what your core beliefs are. You have to look at the past and present objectively. Realize, you are not your thoughts or your core beliefs. You can change your beliefs through work and effort.
Ways to Change your Beliefs
Once you understand that beliefs are just practiced thoughts that are repeated over and over, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can change your beliefs through repetition of new thoughts.
To do this, it requires awareness.
Once you have identified what belief you want to change, think about what you want to believe. It could be that you are simply stating the opposite of the current belief.
This will become your daily affirmation or mantra that you will repeat to yourself A LOT. You may want to write it often, say it often, journal about it often. Your mind will start to look for evidence to support it.
Using this approach will work, but just realize it will take time to rewire the pathways in your brain.
I personally, jump started the rewiring through emotional clearing techniques. I still affirm my new beliefs daily and look for evidence to support them.
You have to trust that the process will work. It will take time, friends. Think about how long you have been affirming your negative beliefs and how strong of a connection in your brain you have.
It can be done with the proper work and exercises.
Want more information about how to change your beliefs, be sure to join my Facebook group for Women.