I had never heard of belief systems until I got into insurance sales back in 2010. It was one of the first things I realized that I needed to work on. A belief system is the collection of thoughts that have been repetitively ingrained in your unconscious mind and drive over ninety-six percent of your behaviors.

WOW!!! Ninety-six percent of my behavior is being driven by something that I had never heard of. This is the crazy world we live in. To fully understand how the belief system works, we have to understand the mind.
The mind is composed of the conscious and the unconscious minds. The conscious mind handles the intellect, you can accept and reject information into the conscious mind. The unconscious mind, on the other hand, cannot accept and reject info into it. Now God created the mind in a way to protect the unconscious, but with the right language and emotions, the layer of protection will relax and the unconscious mind can be accessed.
When we are born into youth, the unconscious mind is open to receive information. The crazy thing is the unconscious mind doesn’t know truth from fiction. So you can repetitively tell it whatever you want and it will accept it.
As we grow up in our surroundings of our family, friends, school and churches, the belief system is formed by the information that is told to us continuously.
We reach adulthood, and a belief system that we had no control over is driving 96 percent of our behaviors. That is really crazy to think about.
How Is the Belief System Formed?
The belief system is formed in the early years, from 0 to 7 years old. It is programmed through verbal programming, modeling, and specific events. Our parents probably play the biggest role in our belief system because we spent more time with them.
The good news is your belief system or paradigm can be changed through repetition such as affirmations, visualization, and repetitively hearing something. Remember, the unconscious mind where our belief system is housed cannot determine fact from fiction. So continue to feed it positive information to create the life you want.
What is an Example of Your Belief System
While religious belief systems are the most commonly recognized, there are others, such as spiritual belief system, political belief system, and philosophical belief system. Not all belief systems are positive, though, such as sexism and racism.
How Belief Systems Affect Business Practices
Our world is defined in large measure by our belief systems. Those belief systems or paradigms are quite simply, the way in which we see the world. … Our paradigms set us up to see certain things because we expect to see them.
This is why working on your belief system and shifting your paradigm is so important when it comes to business. If you think about it, you can achieve it. The problem for a lot of us is that our current belief system isn’t aligning with what we want to accomplish in business. If our current belief system drives most of our behaviors, how can we thrive in business when we have a faulty paradigm?
Let’s think about a car. The motor, along with other things, is what propels the car. If the motor is faulty, then the car will not accelerate and go until the motor is fixed. The same goes for our paradigm. Until we shift it to be in alignment with our goals, we will have a hard time achieving and sustaining our goals.
The best strategy in the world of business will not yield you results until you believe in it and more importantly believe in yourself, and let go of all those beliefs that do not serve you in creating the life that you want.

If you are a female and want to discover more about how your belief systems drive your success, join my free Community, One Gutsy Life.