3 Reasons You Should Journal Everyday

Why You Should Journal Everyday

Why should you journal every day? Journaling can be therapeutic for the soul and mind. 

It can make you feel lighter so to speak by freeing up some of the “garbage” that is stuck in our brain.

Have you ever had a million thoughts going through your mind at one time, and it is like you cannot focus on anything.  Have you ever tried writing all those thoughts down just as they come to you in no particular order and see how light and free you feel after you dump all of them?  This is called brain dumping. Our brains are not designed to remember everything forever, but paper is. If you free up your brain, then your brain has room to remember and focus on new things and handle new tasks at hand.

There are many reasons to journal everyday.  I have used a journal everyday basically, my whole life. As the years have passed, the reasons I have journaled have changed.

Why You Should Journal Everyday, Reason 1: Record Life Events

As a child, this would have been the focus of my journaling.  It served as a record of the events happening in my life. Things that I wanted to remember about certain important days and events.  I have several books tucked away in a chest from my childhood. I can only imagine how silly they would sound now.

When I started my business years ago, I used journaling to express my frustrations and excitement about the entrepreneurial journey.  Sometimes, you just need to get the frustrations out, and you don’t need anyone reminding you of all the reasons why owning your own business isn’t going to work.  Let’s face our friends and family aren’t always the most supportive. Sometimes you need to keep your frustrations between you and your journal.

Journaling definitely was helpful during the ongoing sickness and death of my father.  It was a place I felt I could be raw and honest about my feelings without being judged.  It was a safe place.

Why You Should Journal Everyday , Reason 2: Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way. Just by believing them, we do not think, do or say the things that they inhibit. And in doing so we impoverish our lives. 

Everyone has limiting beliefs in some way or another.  I don’t think we get through this life without at some point thinking and believing we are not good enough, we are not pretty enough, we are not smart enough, we don’t deserve to be wealthy, we don’t deserve success, or some other form of this self sabotage.

That does not mean that it has to control us forever.  Once we have identified that we have this belief, we are on the path to overcoming it.  There are some steps that you can take to overcome them, and they involve using your journal.

To Overcome the Limiting Beliefs:

  1.  Begin by writing them down:  Identify what the belief is that is holding you back and write it down in your journal
  2. Acknowledge these are beliefs and not truths:  This is often the hardest step. This is where we argue for or against your limitations.   As author Evelyn Waugh wrote, “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.” You choose. 
  3. Try on a different belief:  Use your imagination to step into a new belief that aligns with what you want. 
  4. Take a different action:  It’s time to act “as if” your new belief is true.  

Why You Should Journal Everyday , Reason 3 Journals Improve Mental Clarity/Help Solve Problems/Improve Overall Focus

Journals are a great place for you to problem solve.  You can be creative and explore the many options and solutions to problems that may be going on in your life.  They provide a place for you to refer back to for reference in the future in similar situations.  

When our minds/brains are clear of clutter, we are able to focus more clearly on tasks at hand.  We become much more productive.  

3 Reasons You Should Journal Everyday
3 Reasons you should journal everyday.

Types of Journals

There are all types of journals available.  I have used several types over the years. You do not have to have a fancy journal to get started.  Just grab a notebook and start jotting your thoughts down.

A gratitude journal is a great place to express your daily gratitude.   Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.

You may want to try a 5 minute journal where the journal prompts you with questions daily.  This is a little less overwhelming for beginners to the world of journaling.

Vision and goals journals are a great place to state your daily goals.  There is a science behind writing your goals down and actually accomplishing them.  

I actually use a journal called Daily Deposit created by Macy McNeely that combines several things into one page.  It has a place for gratitude, daily affirmations, daily tasks/goals, and personal development (what I am learning).  

If you do not use a journal now, I challenge you to grab a journal or a pretty notebook and start today! I believe you will see a difference in your day.  You will feel much more focused to handle the tasks at hand.

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