It’s a new year with a clean slate for new opportunities to make money online in 2023. All past decisions and choices can be left in the past with lessons learned carried into the future.

I started my first online business in 2018… March to be exact, and I was in the midst of a very dark time. Grief was still consuming me, I was making some very bad choices, and my income was suffering in my insurance business.
I had added some unwanted pounds and the depression was serious when I stumbled across a product that helped regulate hormones and could lead to weight loss. Both were exactly what I needed.
I signed up to be an affiliate for the company almost immediately. I had been looking for a way to make extra money online. Chance would have it, the company was having a sales conference, and I bought my ticket to go. Conferences were some of my favorite memories during my years in insurance sales. Something about the energy of people with the same goals all coming together… It’s electric.
One Decision Can Change Your Life
The decision to attend this particular conference changed the trajectory of my life.
Let me explain.
As I sat in the audience, a speaker grabbed my attention as he spoke on his lead generation system online.
I had no idea what it was called, but I knew I had to learn.
I understood the concept. I knew that I often entered my email address to receive something in return.
I cannot lie, I really love to take personality quizzes and they ALWAYS require your email address to get the results. Are you a quiz taker? I’m a sucker. Every. Single. Time.
Any who, I digress…
The thought of this system was fascinating and never left my mind. I texted my friend who is a computer engineer and tried to explain the concept to her. She had no idea what I was talking about or how to build this system.
That didn’t stop me. I kept investing time and over the next few years, I invested thousands of dollars to learn the skills needed to build online.
A System to Work While You Sleep
Why did I want to learn so badly about how to build a “funnel”?
I had spent many years in the insurance business paying between $30-75 per name for a lead because I knew on average for every dollar I spent, I could generate $15 in sales.
Unfortunately, meeting with these people about the insurance was a necessity, which potentially limited my income. There are so many hours in a day available.
The idea that I could build a system that worked day and night for me to collect the information of people interested in my products.. was mind blowing to me.
This system could run for just the cost of the software each month, free to $297/month depending on the tools you decide to use.
Properly built and structured, the system could do the work for me when I couldn’t, that was the leverage I wanted in business. It would provide me with the freedom to always be present for my daughter, that has been my number one focus since becoming an entrepreneur.
This system will work for any area of business that you are in… from insurance sales to affiliate marketing.
Almost 5 years later I have learned a lot about building online, tried different products, and spent a lot of money discovering what the best strategies are for building a sustainable, profitable business.
The desire to build the best possible system has yet to leave me, and I continue to invest to learn. I love sharing the information I learn with you.
The Cost of Success
I created a free manual that lays it all out, step by step for you and even provide you with the most cost friendly options to get started.
Nothing is ever free in life, success is no different. It either comes from the cost of your time or your money.
You don’t have to spend the next year trying to figure out how to build an online business that can generate leads and income 24/7.
Just go grab my FREE “Mama’s Manual to Make Money Online in 2023”. Men can grab it too.
You may have seen other free guides, I promise my free manual contains some information you probably haven’t seen before to help you make money online in 2023.
If you are new to my blog, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.
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