Every day I get bombarded with network marketing opportunities in my messenger. Every day, I turn them down. Why, Andrea, do you turn them down? I’m going to share with you 5 Tips every new network marketer needs to know.
There are very specific things I have discovered to look for in an opportunity. In today’s post, I am going to share with you what I look for in a network marketing opportunity.
The network marketing model is one of the greatest business models around. There is no lower barrier for entry into creating a business of your own. You do not have to run customer service, fulfillment, or product creation. The enrollment fee can be as little as no cost to join an opportunity. I cannot think of a better opportunity for those that are interested in creating and growing a business online.
Tip 1: Look for a Proven System
The first tip for success as a new network Marketer is…
Look for a proven system to generate leads and convert leads.
You want to have a proven system to work that is known to generate leads and convert the leads into buyers If you do not have a system of your own, then you want to join a team that provides a proven system.
One of the greatest struggles that Network marketers has is how to generate leads. You have to have a solid lead generation strategy in place. Not only do you have to generate leads, you need a sales conversion system in place to convert.
To discover one of the ways that I generate leads and grow my network marketing business, check out Enroll as a VIP
Tip 2: Choose Quality Products
The second tip for potential network marketers is choosing a company with quality products. It doesn’t just stop though with the products, you are competing not only with every other company out there with similar products but also with everyone in your company.
You have to find a way to differentiate yourself from all of your competitors. The quickest way you can do that is to solve more problems for the potential buyers.
How can you solve more problems for your potential buyers? You identify what problems or questions your customers will have from purchasing your products. For example, say you were selling a water bottle. What problems/questions might your customers have when they purchase the water bottle? How do they clean the water bottle? What can be stored in the water bottle? How to store the water bottle correctly? Get the idea???
When you have a set price predetermined by the network marketing company, you cannot beat your competition with price so you have to beat them with value.
Tip 3: Quality Support
The third tip I would offer is to find a company or opportunity that provides quality support not only to you as a reseller but also to your customers. As a new network marketer, extend grace when dealing with a start up coming through on product issues.
Proper communication will go a long way in managing expectations for the resellers and customers. Working online can provide some loneliness, so be sure to surround yourself with a CommUnity of supporters that not only cheer you on but also answer your questions.

Tip 4: Customer Acquisition Focused
The fourth tip I would offer is to look for a company that is customer acquisition focused. This provides you a little more control on generating income. If the company is customer acquisition focused, then the comp plan will be generous on the product sales side.
One of the biggest concepts that I learned from Jacob Caris in Super Affiliate Accelerator was the importance of high ticket sales, so while most mlm’s will not be high ticket, you do want a customer acquisition friendly comp plan.
Last Tip: Don’t Get Married to the Products
The final tip is don’t get married to the product. So many times, people become almost emotionally attached to the products they are promoting, and the industry ridicules and shames promoters for changing products and opportunity. While I am not an advocate of product hopping because it can stray your focus, I am an advocate for the ability to analyze when a business is not a good fit for you and your goals and adjust accordingly.
I have seen so many times companies want to take legal measures against promoters that leave to go pursue other opportunities and even witnessed it personally with a close friend.
Others may look for other things when choosing a company to go link up and promote, but for me.. I am always focused on quality products, great support, freedom to leave the company, a customer acquisition friendly company, and a proven system to generate and convert leads into buyers.
What do you look for when teaming up with a company…
If you are interested in taking a look at my business, check it out here.
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