2021 Daily Happiness Blueprint

I am going to share with you my 2021 Daily Happiness Blueprint because I am on a mission to let happiness fuel my business success. 

Does happiness lead to success or does success lead to happiness? It is kinda like the egg or the chicken came first. 

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

Happiness is a state of mind.  Happiness is a choice we make each day to acknowledge the good in our lives with a thankful heart.  Gratitude yields happiness.  It’s hard to be thankful and sad at the same time.  In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. 

Expressing gratitude allows our brain to release dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside.  There are scientific reasons to express gratitude daily.

Self Growth

The whole year has been about self-reflection and self growth.  Eliminating beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors not serving me in my happiness.  It has been a long rewarding journey.  

I have daily activities that aid in my state of happiness each day, and I will get to those later.  Around July this year, I was having some medical issues.  I was having night sweats and insomnia.  Insomnia is nothing new to me because I have suffered from it for years.  The problem is, I have hypothyroid and it affects the body in so many ways.  

The first thing the doctor said to me was that the problems lied in my gut.  It was full of inflammation and after some tests, she was right.  I also had food sensitivities to 19 foods.  I tried for a while to eliminate all of those foods from my diet, and I just didn’t have the motivation.  Some things require more than motivation.  We have limited amounts of motivation each day.  We have to get to the core of the issue and work on rewiring some behaviors through change and consistency,

I was struggling each day with energy.  I was waking each more with extreme joint aches. Although I had increased my level of exercise, I was still gaining weight. The sad thing is the one product , I have talked about before on my blog, I had sensitivities to a lot of the ingredients.  It was irritating my gut to drink it each day.  

I do believe we are delivered what we need when the time is right.  The time was right recently for me to receive a product to serve me on my journey to happiness and success.  A friend who is revolutionary in finding products that provide great value to people shared with me a happy triad.  Its target is to hack the repair of the gut.  

I began using the product and will continue to use it in 2021.  I saw immediate relief to lack of energy, moodiness, and insomnia.  Discover more about the Happy Triad.

Energy Management

The second thing is, I became efficient  in managing my energy.  You simply identify when you are most energetic, focused, and clear and make a commitment to work in that time period.  Really focusing on your energy time spans will increase productivity. Be sure to take small breaks to refresh and renew your energy.  

Be sure to celebrate those small wins throughout your day because they lead to big wins.  There is scientific evidence celebrating wins releases dopamine and will lead to repeated efforts.  It really is about getting those happy hormones released each day to fuel our happiness and our success. Dr. Andrew Huberman is amazing at explaining how we can hack dopamine release throughout our days.  Follow him up on Instagram.


Third, I read every day.  Reading is so important to our success.  It increases our critical thinking skills, our knowledge, and builds consistency in our lives.  Challenge yourself to read at least 10 pages each day.


Fourth, I journal every morning.  Some days it is short and other days there is a lot to journal about.   It provides a safe place for me to clear my mind, to focus on the important things that will move my business forward, and increase my level of happiness.  I believe in the power of affirmations and gratitude. Gratitude and affirmations are just a part of my day now.  Read more about the benefits of Journaling.  


Fifth, I added exercise to my daily activities. I began when Covid first hit, to lower my levels of anxiety.  I take a brisk 45 minute walk each.  It again has increased my confidence in that I keep a promise to myself each day, but it has become ingrained in my mind.  I miss it when I have to skip a day because of the weather.

These daily activities have been added slowly.  Trying to change too many things to daily activities will set you up for failure.  When you try to make too many changes to your belief system, it will overwhelm it and will be harder to accomplish the change.

In 2021 there are a few things I plan to  implement in my daily activity.  I plan to focus more on my diet, hydration, and really track the changes.  We really are only as good as the food we use to fuel our bodies, and the brain and body needs hydration to perform properly.  

Grab my 2021 Daily Happiness Plan and join me on the journey to success through happiness.