5 Secrets to Manage Your Emotions

Emotions are a powerful thing.  What are emotions? Why do we even have emotions? How do you begin to manage your emotions?  Let’s dive in and answer these questions. 

Emotions are those tingles and tightness we feel in our bodies. The way we respond to certain situations or interaction with people.  They may be in the form of fear, anger, happiness, sadness, disgust, or surprise.

We can use emotions to drive us or paralyze us.  Learning to master your emotions can be challenging.

When you have a thought it releases hormones in your body, the hormone release causes you to feel emotions.  Emotions are what drives our behavior.  As a young child, we store the imprint of these emotions in our body.  The first time we feel anger because we don’t get what we want, we store the imprint of that in our body. Over the years, our emotional garbage gets filled up.  Most people do not know the resources to release and manage those emotions, so today I want to share with you 5 resources that you can use to manage your emotions.

Who has experienced road rage? Do you really think that irrational behavior that you experience is a response of a grown adult? 

Probably not, it is more like a temper tantrum of a child. I know I have been guilty of screaming when someone doesn’t use a turn signal or cuts me off in traffic.

Let’s Get to the Root Managing Emotions…

5 Secrets to Manage Your Emotions
Manage Your Emotions

I want you to picture a matrix.  Vertically you have everyone that you have encountered, and horizontally you have all the emotions.  For every person, there may be a time that you were angered by them, saddened by them, and so on.

I want you to picture a cup. What happens when you keep filling a cup without removing some of the contents, it overflows.  The same thing happens with our emotional cup.  Every time we anger, the cup gets a little fuller. If we haven’t dealt with some of these emotions, the cup will overflow. We will not have the emotional room for more. 

How do we manage those emotions? I am going to share with you five ways that you can manage the emotions.


Buy two journals.  In one journal you will use to mind dump.  When things come up, you can unload them in the journal to free the space in your mind.  It doesn’t matter what you journal about, it is about freeing space emotionally and mentally.

The second journal will be a gratitude journal.  When you start to shift your perspective to a sense of gratitude, it will change your vibration.  It will also cause the body to release serotonin, which is a feel good hormone.  Realize, the mind looks for things to validate your beliefs.  Living in a state of gratitude will change your life.


There is power in being still and listening to what you need to hear internally.  You are so busy with work, kids, family, and other things, that you neglect time alone.  When you get still and free your mind from clutter, you will be amazed at what you realize you are delivered.


Breathwork will work on your central nervous system.  Breathwork has many positive benefits that will aid you the self development journey.

*Aids in positive self-development

*Boost immunity

*Process emotions, heal emotional pain, and trauma

*Develop life skills

*Develop or increase self-awareness

*Enrich creativity

*Improve personal and professional relationships

*Increase confidence, self-image, and self-esteem

Write a Letter to the Person

A fourth effective way to manage emotions is to write a letter to the person that will allow you to get all those emotions out.  You will not send the letter to the person, so feel free to really release all that you have been suppressing over the years.   When you have completely written the letter, you can then burn it.  There is such freedom in watching the emotions go up in flames (Be sure to practice fire safety and do not burn in the house)

Emotional Clearing

This may be the most effective way to manage emotions.  An emotional clearing happens by relaxing the conscious mind (with some breath work), the subconscious suppressed negativity that is behind the client’s issues comes to the surface, in the form of feelings and emotions, which are then released by means of the process.  

Do not be afraid of this technique.  I have experienced several clearings in the last year, and I can honestly say it has been extremely effective in overcoming the final stages of grief. 

As you are trying to build a business, it is super important that you discover ways to manage your emotions.  Emotions are just a part of life, and when ineffectively handled and managed, they can create havoc in our lives and business.

To reach your full potential in business, be open to trying new techniques so you can grow to the level you were created to grow to. Also, keep in mind that when emotions are high, intelligence can be low. 

You want to be in a state that is most conducive to making sound and smart decisions for your business and life.  

It’s your time! Do the work and reap the benefits!