4 Reasons Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics

Entrepreneurs like us need nootropics. It is just a fact. You may not know it yet, but after reading this blog post you are going to be rushing to add them to your daily routine. Let’s dive right in to see exactly why. 

What are Nootropics

What the heck are nootropics you may ask? A little over a year ago I had never even heard the word nootropics, and now it seems to be popping up everywhere.  Perhaps it may just be like when you buy a new car and you never noticed that type car until you made the purchase, and suddenly you realize that they are everywhere. I digress, nootropics are drugs, supplements, and other substances that may improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals.  

What exactly does that even mean?  It means in everyday terms when you take the supplement or whatever substance it helps improve the function of the brain so to speak. Can we all agree as an entrepreneur we need our brains to be performing at its very best? Let’s look at the four reasons entrepreneurs need nootropics now

What are Nootropics?
What are Nootropics?

Reason 1 Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics:  Helps with Mental Clarity and Brain Fog

Nootropics help with mental clarity and brain fog.  All entrepreneurs experience brain fog also known as mental fatigue or burnout at some point.  We have all had days where we couldn’t come up with the right words to use. The more you tried to come up with the word, the more frustrated you became. It was like the word was on the tip of your tongue, but it just would not come to you.  You were probably hit with a case of brain fog.  

Brain fog is a temporary state of decreased cognitive function typically signified by mild, transient impairment to memory, attention, processing speed, and other executive functions.  It may be just an isolated occurrence here and there. If it becomes to occur more frequently, then it may be time to make some changes.  

Brain fog symptoms vary but may include difficulty with:

  • Recalling words
  • Working memory
  • Spatial orientation
  • Multitasking
  • Focus
  • Learning
  • Math and numerical processing
  • Mood
  • Depression

You may have been living with the brain fog for so long that we don’t even realize that we are suffering from it.  

Reason 2 Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics:  Helps Improve Focus

What happens when a photographer’s lens is out of focus?  Everything he/she sees is blurry. This is what happens to our brains when it is overloaded with an overwhelming amount of sensory input or with an uninspiring lack of external activity.   An unfocused mind has a hard time of sorting through all the data to focus in on what is important and what is not important. 

There is a fine balance between stimulation and relaxation for the mind.  Too much stimulation will overwork the brain, and too much relaxation is just as bad for the brain.  So what is a good solution? Many times a L-theanine plus caffeine combination is used to enhance the cognitive functions.  It is basically a stimulant+relaxant combo.

L-theanine:  calms the mind for better cognitive clarity and creativity.

Caffeine: excites the mind for heightened energy and alertness.

The nootropic L-theanine may enhance cognitive performance on its own, whereas standalone caffeine often threatens to disrupt mental performance with its jittery side effects. Together, they do amazing things. Bringing us to Reason three.

Reason 3 Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics:  Increases Energy

Most entrepreneurs aren’t just entrepreneurs.  Most of us have many roles in society besides just running our business.  We are also moms, wives, and daughters. We have a lot of responsibilities that require us to have a lot of energy.  Trying to keep up with the busy lifestyle can tire us. The early mornings and late nights trying to make our dreams come true can take a toll on our bodies.

Nootropics can help increase energy.  The brain consumes about 20% of the body’s overall energy reserves each day.   It is the most energy demanding organ in the body.

How does nootropics increase the brain’s energy? Mitochondria help create adenosine triphosphate (ATP)   which is the body’s primary chemical unit of energy. Through the catabolic breakdown of basic nutrients, mitochondria converts chemical compounds into ATP. Then it is used for any number of metabolic functions related to cognitive function, muscular activity, and more. Nootropics help makes sure the  mitochondria performs efficiently and its productivity by neutralizing free radicals that could damage the mitochondria. It does this by transporting raw mitochondrial material, and maintaining mitochondrial membrane integrity. Geez, that was a lot to comprehend! Glad I had my smart coffee today!

Reason 4 Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics: Provides Anti-stress and Anti-anxiety Efforts

Entrepreneurs have stress.  It can be extremely stressful trying to start and run a business.  

Nootropics are becoming widely used to treat anxiety and stress disorders.  Nootropics is known as ‘mood enhancers’. Meaning it addresses mood problems which can be a primary cause of anxiety, depression and stress. Again, L-Theanine is a popular and widely used substance that helps with mood enhancement and alleviating anxiety and stress. 

4 Reasons Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics. Repin and grab Free Business bundle at andreagarretson.com
4 Reasons Entrepreneurs Need Nootropics

Types of Nootropics

There are several types of Nootropics to choose.  You have to choose the type that is best suited for you and what you are looking to accomplish. 

  • Natural or Herbal Nootropics are derived from plant-based substances or natural extracts that help improve the health of the brain and its abilities.  This is the only type of nootropics I have experience with. Take a look at the specific Nootropics I use Here.

See Happiness in a Cup for more information on my personal story with nootropics

A guide to the other six Nootropics can be found at the brain 101

As you can see, all of these are valid reasons why as an entrepreneur we need nootropics.  While we may not suffer from all of these at the same time, I can almost guarantee that somewhere along our journey, we will find ourselves struggling with at least one of these “symptoms”.  

Running a business can take a lot out of you.  You have to replenish or you will find yourself empty and nothing to give.  You have to be at your best daily to accomplish the goals that you have set.  

Grab a cup of smart coffee and get going on accomplishing those goals today.  

Be sure to pick up my free Business bundle containing 3 FREE e-books to help you generate leads and sales with incredible sales pages and email marketing campaigns.