I’m back with some content creation ideas for my insurance agent friends out there.
Who is interested in discovering some content ideas that you can use for your posts, emails, TikToks, or reels?
Really, this post is for anyone that is using social media to generate leads for their businesses.
So, Let’s dive in.

Why is it So Important to Understand the Unconscious Mind
As a salesperson, it is extremely important to understand how the unconscious mind works. Because when you can understand this, you can crush any objection that you may get.
So what does that have to do with content creation?
One of the most important jobs of your content is to change or persuade your potential buyer’s beliefs.
Everyone has a set of programs that are responsible for driving their thoughts. Your thoughts result in your emotions that lead to your behaviors.
What behavior do you want for your potential clients? You want them to think that insurance is a must have, feel safe and secure when thinking about having the policy, and purchase the policy from you.
If you are using social media to generate leads, you can lean on your content to aid you in your sales process, also. Moving the customer along the customer journey quicker.
How do you do that? You start to create content around breaking down those beliefs and thoughts prohibiting them buying and replacing them with beliefs that will lead them to a purchasing decision.
For example, maybe your potential client grew up in a family that believed life insurance was a waste of money. So, they are not open to purchasing a policy. You need to lead them to believing that life insurance is a great investment. You could do that maybe with a piece of content that reads…
Hook: 3 Reasons Why Life Insurance is a Great Investment
Reason 1: Proceeds transfer tax free to the beneficiaries
Reason 2: Proceeds are not limited to burial needs
Reason 3: Some policies provide cash accumulation within the policies
You would explain each reason further knocking down the belief that life insurance is a waste of money for your clients.
The importance of understanding the power of the unconscious mind is… in the unconscious mind is where those beliefs are programmed. You want to be able to tap into the belief system and persuade or change them (ethically).
Another example for demonstration.
Belief: I cannot afford life insurance (How many times have you heard that one)
Hook: This May Shock YOU… Life Insurance is Actually Affordable
You could write a piece of content explaining the difference between term and whole life and the prices of each. You could talk about needs based selling that you sell based on their needs and budget. Finding a policy in everyone’s budget.
The days of just posting if you need insurance, call me are long gone. Your audience is not coming to social media to buy. They are coming to connect and be entertained.
If you want more ideas for content creation ideas, be sure to read my post about 70 + Content Ideas for Insurance Agents.
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